MindFULL conversations
MindFULL conversations brings "mindful conversations" to folks seeking practical information for self-awareness, and the ability to see themselves reflected in what inspires them, validates their insights, and normalizes what they're pondering. With actionable tips and useful conversations about career transitions, new ideas about books and the journeys it takes to write them, and creative perspectives that will shift you around life's everyday moments, MindFULL conversations unlocks what's inside of YOU.
This podcast will:
- Inspire you to take action.
- Delight you with new ideas.
- Encourage you to take one step toward your dreams.
- Help you to find new ways of being in the world you hadn’t thought of.
And how does this happen? By releasing something inside of the conversationalist, and the listener, with an engaging question.
For over 30 years, your host, Robin Glickstein, Ed.M., was on the client and agency side of the business and collected 100s of ideas. She spent 25 years hearing 1,000s of personal insights from all kinds of people and learned to hone her questions and unlock insights. With nowhere to put all the ideas that she was having, Robin began The MindFULL Creative, a blog written from noticing how her mind was so FULL of inspirational stories and creative ideas (tips, insights, personal musings and awesome folks doing wonderful work, etc.). She then went on to learn about a podcast that encouraged her to bring her ideas and insights to a new level. Prone to micro-conversations with folks in line for groceries, on planes and almost anywhere she goes, Robin's mind continued to be FULL and thus, MindFULL conversations (lower c) was born.
In this podcast, you will hear conversations with guests who have made the leap to where they are today – and actionable strategies that can help you jump!
MindFULL conversations
MindFULL Meals - February Edition
It's February, and I have decided to lighten up given the heaviness of January's long days. Today kicks off a month of mindful conversations about healthy eating and easy meals! My guest today is Culinary Nutrionist, Michelle Fox. She is a former dancer who has danced her way to a healthier relationship with food. Michelle is a Master at helping folks make new and healthy choices.
She has so much to say! 3 things to think about:
1. Sugar is as addictive as cocaine. She can help you kick your sugar habit once and for all.
2. Meal Plan! It is the pillar of saving time and money.
3. You are WORTHY of taking time to meal plan, meditate and change your mindset around food. It sounds like alot, but it's all connected and one thing will lead to another. Promise.
And as a Dancer, Michelle always puts on Tropical House on Pandora when she is cooking. I, personally listen to the soundtrack from The Bear, a Hulu show about a Chef in Chicago.
You can get a recipe for a sugar-free snack at https://www.michellefox.com/blog/sugar-free-snacks
You can grab another idea here for a Smoothie that will fill your body and soothe your mind https://www.michellefox.com/blog/kissed-by-an-angel-smoothie
And, best of all...learn how to store your fruits and veggies so they last longer and you can make the most of what you buy https://www.michellefox.com/freshveggies
And...not only is she doing all this, she ALSO has a new podcast! Healthy Sexy Nutrition with Michelle Fox. Check it out. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/healthy-sexy-nutrition/id1642090954
Wanna learn more and connect with Michelle for more ideas on meal planning, energy fueling and mindful eating? You can find her at https://www.michellefox.com/
Bon Appetite!
Robin has been a guest on several podcasts including Creative Lifescaping and Everyday Innovator. Check out my conversations via my LinkTree https://linktr.ee/robinglickstein
Please follow my blog, The MindFULL Creative. It's the inspiration for this podcast and has tons of ideas and links to fill your mind with fresh perspectives! https://themindfullcreative.com
Be in touch with me! You can DM me on Instagram at MindFULL conversations and let me know what you think! Also, let me know if you'd like to be a guest (or have a suggestion for a guest) and fill our minds https://www.instagram.com/mindfullconversations/
And, if I have mentioned a book above, I might have moved the link up there - in case you need it again, click below to easily support local bookstores, shop my page and fill your mind. https://bookshop.org/shop/mindfullconversations